Monday, January 29, 2007

Wes Clark in Nevada

Wes Clark was in Nevada on Saturday, speaking at a dinner for local Democrats, "Turn Nevada Blue".

The vote for the Democratic nomination kicks off in Iowa next January, followed closely by Nevada and then New Hampshire. It is therefore a key state for any Presidential hopeful.

Also speaking at the dinner on Saturday night was the recently declared canidate for the nomination, Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson.

Wes Clark - Stop the Escalation

Wes Clark is supporting the following advertisement from, a group of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. The ad is designed to oppose the escalation of the war in Iraq, and the sending of over 20,000 more troops.

Wes Clark is a board member of votevets, who are engaging on a seven city tour to pressure Senators who have not yet decided if they will support the escalation.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Clark on State of the Union

Wes Clark appeared last week on both Hannity & Colmes as well as Your World with Neil Cavuto, both on the Fox Network.

Clark was responding to the State of the Union Address by President Bush.

Clark again has not ruled out a run for the Democratic Nomination. Expect something very soon from the Clark Camp.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What is Wes Clark Doing?

Clark seems to have been keeping his head down in the last week. While he did the media circuit directly after the Bush escalation plans for Iraq, Clark appears to be making an effort to stay out of the media's way.

It's probably no surprise though - the last week has been the Hillary and Barack show, followed by the President's State of the Union Address.

But if Clark is to run - and close sources to his camp say he will - he had better follow his own advice from the 2004 run, and that is not to leave his run to late.

With Richardson now in the game, raising funds will become harder and harder for Clark.

With the State of the Union out of the way, and the President asking for America to give his Iraq strategy more time, we may see a little more action from the Clark camp.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Surge of Diplomacy for Iraq/Iran - Not Troops

Wesley Clark has again called for President Bush to pursue diplomacy to secure a peace in the Middle East.

Clark was in Huntsville, Alabama last week. He said that a military solution was not always the answer, and that a political solution which would help rebuild the nation could be found.

He emphasised the problems that have been created by not sending enough troops to Afghanistan, and the fact that Iran has supported insurgents in Iraq. Clark said that even during the Vietnam and Cold Wars, channels of communication were always open. They should now be reopened with Iran.

On the issue of contesting the Democratic nomination for President, Clark said that he would make his mind up in the next few weeks.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Diplomacy needed in Iraq - Clark

General Wesley Clark has called for more diplomacy in Iraq - not an escalation of troops as proposed by President Bush.

Clark hit the airwaves last week, appearing on a number of radio shows across the country, talking to Bill O'Reilly on The O'Reilly Factor, and writing an Op Ed piece for The Washington Post.

Calling the Bush policy tactical, not strategic, Clark said the tactics that are being employed are unlikely to be effective.

On the issue of if Clark will run for President, Clark repeated what he has said previously, "Well, I haven't made any decisions on that. I haven't said I won't..."

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Will Clark Run?

Retired General and former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO is making all the right noises in the lead up to a decision on whether he will seek the Democratic nomination for the Presidency.

Having decided late in the race that he would seek the nomination for 2004, Clark concedes that he would not make the same mistake in leaving his run so late. Clark polled strongly in that contest, but it was clear that he would not secure the nomination, pulling out in February 04 in favour of Kerry.

Clark has stated that he believes that the next election will be fought primarily on the issue of Iraq, and has therefore positioned himself nicely, speaking widely as an obviously experienced commentator.

Clark was an active campaigner for Democratic candidates in the Congressional elections, and does appear to have the favour of George Soros, who has provided significant funds towards a possible Clark candidacy.

Wes Clark was not expected to make any announcement until after the Congressional elections. However, in an interview with Fox's Neil Cavuto in late December, Clark stated in answer to the question if he would run again "Well, I haven't said I won't." and that "...Maybe there'll be some more discussions."

We await with interest.